
Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Tackling A Half Marathon

If anyone remembers, I used to have a love/hate relationship with running. Thankfully, I have learned to love it bit more, after conquering a 5K this past summer, and following some tips for beginner runners.

If anyone also remembers, I also mentioned in my interview with Columbus Alive that I had a goal to run a half marathon in 2012. As luck would have it, Kristen Foley was also featured in Columbus Alive in the very same issue as me, and she took it upon herself to hold me to my word to run a half marathon in 2012.

With Kristen's persistence, I (skeptically) agreed to attend an event at the Scioto Mile that would serve as a "kickoff party" of sorts for other people running the half marathon. All I knew is that there would be some trainers there I could talk to, some folks with the American Cancer Society to mingle with, and some finger foods (a big draw!).

I was second guessing my highly ambitious goal and, for a moment, I wished I hadn't been published as saying that I would run a half marathon. I mean, a half marathon! That's 13.1 miles! I had only ever run 5 miles before (and not very well, for that matter). What was I getting myself into?!

I came to find that this was all serepdipitous. The article, my big mouth, Kristen also published just pages later in the same paper. It was meant to be! Truth be told, I was so glad she contacted me so I could knock this off my Buckeye Bucket List. But, I was still a bit nervous of the huge undertaking!

Immediately, my nerves were settled and I was made to feel very comfortable at the event when I began talking to some of the individuals in charge. I was told that if I were to sign up, I would among many other first time runners. I was also told that support groups, training sessions, tips, and online tools would be readily available to help with the training process. I even had the privilege of speaking one-on-one with the Race Director of the Capital City Half Marathon, David Babner. How cool!

The cherry on top of the cake was discovering that the reason the American Cancer Society was at this particular event was because they participate in the Half Marathon through their DetermiNation program! What this means is that, if were to sign up at the event, I would also pledge to raise money to help fund cancer research. So, not only would I be able to challenge myself running this insane distance, my running would mean something too! I would be making a difference every stride I took!

This was more than enough to convince me to go ahead and sign up!
Here is the lowdown: The Capital City Half Marathon has been taking place in Columbus since 2004. This year will be Columbus's bicentennial celebration, so it's going to be a huge event in honor of that. It is estimated that there will be close to 13,000 runners participating this year! The event takes place May 5, 2012, and while that may seem far away, training for the race has ALREADY BEGUN!

I will be posting continuously between now and the big day (May 5) updating you on my training, providing you with tips, and encouraging you to also sign up! There's still time!! Join the DetermiNation team to run the Capital City Half Marathon and fight cancer along the way!

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