Welcome to
So you think Ohio is boring, do you? Think again!
When you think of an adventurous lifestyle, states like Colorado or California may initially pop into your head. But why not Ohio?! There is much more to our state than just football and amusement parks, and my goal is to delve deep and fill you in on all of the hidden (and not so hidden) gems that lay within the Buckeye state.
Other travel sites out there are either geared toward kid- and family-friendly outings, or trips to Amish country that will undoubtedly make you yawn. I refuse to settle with that, which is why I decided to create
OHventures (a portmonteau of "Ohio" and "adventures" of course) will reveal the true thrills you can experience everywhere from Cincinnati to Marietta, Cleveland to Sandusky. No area of the state will be left behind. Following this blog will ensure that you are NEVER bored. That's my guarantee.
I am not an expert in the tourism industry. I am a young professional who has a thirst for everything fun and exciting.
OHventures is my hobby, and is an outlet to express my passion for travel within the state.
The site will feature posts from me (as well as my friends and contacts) that will generally fit into one or more of the following categories:
1. Outdoor Adventures
2. Active Lifestyle
3. Artistic Expressions
4. Dining Discoveries
5. Extreme Thrills
6. Seasonal Delights
Hiking, biking, canoeing, skiing, canoeing, rock climbing, and yes, even SKYDIVING are just some of many, many items you can scratch off of your Buckeye Bucket List!
And forget about McDonald's, Olive Garden and Dairy Queen. You deserve better. Ohio has amazing restaurants in every nook and cranny. How about Tony Packo's in Toledo, Vegiterranean in Akron, or The Youngstown Crab Company?
OHventures will show you where the good eats are. Because, after all, our lives revolve around food!
We will touch on wineries, museums (those worthwhile of course), bars, parks, and oddities that you owe it to yourself to visit. Think places like The Candle Lab in Columbus, the famed Reformatory in Mansfield, and Ozone Zipline Adventures in Lebanon.
I'll also be offering my own personal travelogue entries, random thoughts, and fun and games to the site.
Throw your preconceived notions about Ohio out the window! Get out of your comfort zone and buck up for the time of your life.
Where will YOUR next
OHventure take you?